
Stamp exchange from Bulgaria

Exchange from Bulgaria, thank you, Irena.

My first LCC cover

This is my first LCC cover.


From Iran

A letter include a beautiful card from Iran. Many thanks, Dariush.

Cover from INDIA

This cover I received just yesterday. It was issued on 2-Mar-2008. There was another 4 covers I didn't post because on bad condition. Thanks, Mahendra.


Environmental care stamp FDC from Indonesia

Covers from Indonesia, thanks, Mr.Ekosaputro.

Hong Kong FDCs - Jellyfish

Hong kong post had issued a new set postage stamps of Jellyfish on 12-6-2008. My friend sent me 2 covers and I sent 1 for myself.

New FDC from Malaysia - Cultural instruments and artefacts

Very beautiful cover. Special postmarks and bad normal postmarks. Thanks, Yoon.


Stag Beetles of Taiwan Postage Stamps FDC

Belonging to the family Lucanidae, order Coleoptera, and class Insecta, stag beetles have large heads and flat bodies. They are called “shovel- shaped bugs” in Chinese because their elytra look like shovels. (Their English name—“stag beetles”—comes from the resemblance between their mandibles and the antlers of stags.) This group of insects includes many different species, with different habits and seasons.


Orchid cover from Portugal

This is a FDC that issued on 29-apr-2003, but I received it in yesterday. Why? I don't know. I think the Portugal's FDC can be send in any date when they were issued.